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"Instruction for YOU,
Protection for OUR Environment!"

ECT Environmental, Inc.

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7867 Convoy Court
Suite 307
San Diego, CA 92111
858.558.7465 telephone
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© 2022
Environmental Compliance Training
ECT Environmental, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

CDPH Lead Training
  • Lead Worker (English or Spanish)
    • This 3-day class includes: Introduction to the history of Lead, how Lead is used, the health effects of Lead poisoning, Lead regulations, hazard recognition and control, medical surveillance, medical removal, personal protective measures, respirators, clothing and hygiene work practices during abatement. CDPH certification is required for all workers on Lead jobs in public and residential buildings in California.


  • Lead 2 Day Supervisor Supplemental
    • This 2-day class includes: A review of Lead workers, facts about how Lead is used, the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor and the project monitor, state certification procedures, abatement techniques, Lead regulations, contract specs, sampling soil, dust and air, clearance testing, waste disposal, cost estimating and record keeping. OSHA requires a Lead supervisor on every Lead job.


  • Lead Continuing Education Worker (English or Spanish)
    • Continuing education classes are required every two years for California certified Workers and Supervisors who should take this class about 4 months BEFORE their certification renewal date. (Note: Supervisors may take either the Worker or the General Refresher)


  • Lead Continuing Education General
    • Continuing education classes are required every two years for California certified Supervisor, Project Monitor, Inspector/Assessor and Project Designer who should take this class about 4 months BEFORE their certification renewal date. (Note: Supervisors may take either the Worker or the General Refresher)


  • Lead Awareness/Lead Specific
    • This class provides the basics of how to work safely around Lead paint. OSHA requires Lead certification
      2 - 8 hours of Lead training for all workers on all jobs where paint with any amount of Lead is being disturbed. This class does NOT count towards certification training.